Pikewallis Trout Invitational

55 Score

Henning Ostli

2022-03-28 09:04:08
68 Score
68 Score
78 Score
78 Score
68 Score
68 Score
62 Score
62 Score
64 Score
64 Score
64 Score
64 Score
69 Score
69 Score
56 Score
56 Score
84 Score
84 Score
54 Score
54 Score
58 Score
58 Score
47 Score
47 Score
48 Score
48 Score
55 Score
55 Score
59 Score
59 Score
57 Score
57 Score
45 Score
45 Score

©2022 Copyright, Fishy Tech Sweden AB and Sporten Beitostølen og Pikewallisfriluftsliv A/S.
May not be used without permission, the information and this photo are protected according to the Copyright Act (Act (1960:729) on copyright to literary and artistic works.
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