Stäket's SF KM in Gädda 2023

Rules (Stäket's SF KM in Gädda 2023)

KM Pike now on Sunday 11 June
Competition time is: 9.00-16.00
We run live results with softening for the last 2 hours.
Membership in Stäket is required from all competitors. It costs SEK 175 per year if you are not a member in 2023:

Time to register: Now that you are a member, it costs SEK 100 for each team to participate in KM: Enter team name: As well as the names of your two or 3 participants.
Kayak teams welcome to compete as a team as long as they stay within 100 meters of each other.

Requirement that everyone use the Fishy Liven app NOTE! Take pictures from the app not from the phone's camera app. Use Fishy Live.
When you register, you will receive a code, which must be used to log in to the App!

 Other rules: Minimum eight: Taken on review

 Requirements: Life jacket on (exact requirements and regulations will be taken at the captain's meeting approx. 8.30 at the docks in Stäket

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