Årets Kajakfiskare 2024 - Gös Bonanza Trolling/Spinn Anten
Rules (
Årets Kajakfiskare 2024 - Gös Bonanza Trolling/Spinn Anten
Rules Kayak Fisherman of the Year 2024
Updated 3/2 2024
Permitted fishing methods:
- Trolling
- Spinning fishing
- Vertical/Spot shooting
Not allowed: Live donors
Correct and pleasant behavior in a comradely spirit and to adhere to the regulations.
Mandatory safety equipment which must be included in the kayak:
Compass (The one in the phone is ok). Knife. Hook cutter. Whistle. Water. First aid, (plaster, wound wash). Phone. Pedal kayaks must have a paddle as well. Life jacket/Floating clothing.
A life jacket or similar is mandatory and must be worn for the entire time you are on the water.
The angler must ensure that he has valid insurance and everyone participates at their own risk.
If the competition is in the dark, you must have the lantern (white all around).
If the water is cold, a dry suit is required.
We follow the "law of the sea", such as carrying lanterns, alcohol on the lake, etc. Anchoring or fishing in a fairway is also not recommended.
In general, kayaks with electric motors/engines/sails may not be used. If you have an electric motor due to health problems, you apply for a dispensation from the competition management.
This year we will have slightly different forms of competition where the rules vary regarding Live transmitters, electric motors etc. so keep an eye out for each competition for what applies.
Collection and briefing before the start is compulsory attendance at Any local rules may apply and the contestants must then be informed of this.
Late arrivals will be penalized with 2 cm per minute. If the delay is more than 15 minutes, the competitor will be disqualified from the entire competition.
Fishing methods:
Only hand gear in the form of rod and reel and artificial baits.
Trolling is not allowed. (Keep an eye on the respective competition for what applies).
Fragrances, those available on the market may be used.
All fish must be caught and landed from inside the kayak.
All measurements must be done on the water in the kayak, however, if you catch a larger fish such as a pike, you must go ashore to measure and take photos.
Help from fellow contestants is allowed, however, the photography must be done with the contestant's own camera/phone.
We must keep a distance of at least 30m between the competitors.
Not allowed with hangers.
After the photography, the fish must be released safely and the competitor is responsible for the well-being of the fish.
All photography must be done with a digital camera/mobile phone.
Own measuring board may be used, recommended, presented before to the competition management
The image must be clear and the markings on the measuring board must be legible.
The whole fish MUST be visible in the picture. The hand is allowed to be over the fish as long as it does not obscure the head or tail fin.
The images must not be manipulated in any way.
The fish must lie with the edge of the measuring board and the head end must be at 0 cm.
The measurement you get must be rounded up to the next whole centimeter. That is, 28.2 = 29 and 28.9 is also =29 cm.
All protests must be in writing and received by the competition management no later than 30 minutes after the end of fishing time.
In the event of a breach of the rules, the following penalties may be awarded:
a) A maximum deduction from today's catch of 75 cm.
b) Disqualification in the competition.
c) Cm deduction. E.g. if you don't fit the time for the safety briefing/captain's meeting.
- The competition management reserves the right to use the participants' photos for further marketing of kayak fishing competitions.
- Any profit tax is paid by the contestants.
- All participation is at your own risk.
- Accommodation and fishing license are not normally included.
- We adhere to the rules that are on the respective waters.