SM in Perch 2021!

SM in Perch 2021!

Competition information

 TypePerch (Team)


 OrganizerSwedish Perch Tournament →
 Competition periodCompleted 2021-09-04 08:00 → 16:00  
 Registration is requiredYes (30 Teams)
 Released 2021-05-03 12:00
 Number of seats30 pcs (29 registered)
 Award(Price data missing) (Per Team)
 Payment possible during the competition periodNo
 Blackout periodNo
 Fishy Live is usedYes (Download)
 GPS position is savedNo



Some reports of the catches take time, when you send in the pictures, the upload "buffers".
We in the competition management get the pictures uploaded into our systems but we cannot approve them. 
It is required that you get a better connection, as soon as you get access to a better connection, we will get access to them.

Feel free to take a "normal" picture of the measurement picture of the catch. So we can check it at a later time during the day/after the competition.


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