Jaktia Predator King of Småland
Rules (
Jaktia Predator King of Småland
)Rules for Predator King Småland
Fishing in any water in Småland! Participants 1-3 people per team, so you can if you want to compete by yourself in your team but a maximum of 3 people. Closing and award ceremony takes place on 24/11 in the hvildmarken restaurant at 18:00 for everyone who wants to join. Registration for completion needs to be reported to info@nulljaktiajonkoping.se no later than 12/11.
Species of the competition: Pike, Goose, Perch.
- • 3 longest pikes (min. measurement 60 cm)
• 3 longest Gosarna (min. measurement 40 cm)
• 3 longest Perches (min. size 25 cm)
Contest period 1/3 - 21/11, blackout period from 5/11 to 24/11.
Award ceremony at the restaurant.
The fee for the competition includes a measuring board which is mandatory to use, it can be collected from the store, Address Hulukvarn 10 Jönköping.
Price SEK 500 per team
Dinner is included in the registration fee.
- • Pike 1cm = 1 point
• Knit 1cm= 2 points
• Perch 1cm = 3 points
The team with the longest total length at the end of the competition is the winner. In the event of a tie, the team that reported the first approved fish wins. The length is rounded down to the nearest whole centimeter.
Competition rules
- • Permitted methods are Spinning and trolling are approved methods.
• Fishing may take place in all types of water, rivers, lakes, the coast as long as it is in Småland.
• Only artificial baits so live/dead bait is not allowed and angling.
• Only the official measuring board is approved and may be used in this competition, which can be collected from the Jaktia Jönköping store.
• All rretrieving takes place in the Fishy App.
• Only fish caught in Småland are approved (location services in the phone and the app are on, must be able to show location otherwise fish not approved). The fish must be measured with its mouth towards the zero point, the picture must be taken from above so that the measuring lines can be clearly seen.
• A blurry picture is NOT accepted, so be careful when taking pictures.
• The fish is only measured in whole cm and rounded down, e.g. 87.7cm becomes 87cm in the reporting.
• No hands in front of the gills of the fish.
• The tail fin must be compressed.
• Reporting must take place Immediately.
• The competition controller decides whether the report has an approved measurement and posing picture. All decisions of the competition management are final.
• The competition organizers reserve the right to use the participants' capture images for their own use.
• If possible, the team reported the first approved fish.