FTL Söndagsgäddan Nov 2020 Team (Demotävling)

FTL Sunday Pike Nov 2020 Team (Demo Competition)

Contest information

 TypePike (Team)
 PositionHela sverige 


 OrganizerFishy Tech Sweden AB
 Arrangement / SeriesFishy Tech Live proof of concept
 FTL Saturday Pike Oct 2020 (Demo Competition)
 FTL Sunday Pike Nov 2020 Team (Demo Competition)
 Fiskeavisen weekend invitational
 Contest periodFinished 2020-11-22 09:00 → 15:00  
 Registration requiredYes    (21 Teams)
 Released 2020-11-17 00:00
 Number of spotsFully booked 21 pcs (21 Signed up)
 Price(Price data missing) 
 Payment possible during the contestNo
 Blackout periodNo
 Fishy Live is usedYes (Download)
 GPS position is savedNo


Shit fishing is wanted today on Söndagsgäddan! Everyone in the team who hasn't downloaded the app, do it! The more people who test it, the better!


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