Sweden Pike 2023 Autumn

Sweden Pike 2023 Autumn

Competition information

 TypePike (Team)


 OrganizerSweden The Pike (Kim Sahlström) →
 Competition periodCompleted 2023-10-28 08:00 → 16:00  
 Registration is requiredYes (Unlimited number of teams)
 Released 2023-08-21 12:00
 Number of seatsUnlimited (165 registered)
 Award(Price data missing) (Per Team)
 Payment possible during the competition periodYes
 Blackout periodNo
 Fishy Live is usedYes (Download)
 GPS position is savedNo


The number to be included in the measurement picture and posing picture will be published at 07.55 on the day of the competition and will be presented here and on Sverigegäddan's FB page.

The number in today's competition that the fish must be photographed with both the catcher and against the measuring board is:


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