SM i Kayak 2022

SM in Kayak 2022

Complete invitation:


Fishing from a kayak with artificial lures.
Electric motor not allowed in the kayak class
One person in each kayak.
For the kayak class, 3 pikes (minimum size 65 cm) and 3 perches (minimum size 25 cm) apply.
Registration is done at See the invitation:
When registering, state "KAJAK and first and last name and membership number".
Last day for registration Wednesday 26 October at 12.00.
No late registration.
A life jacket is a requirement and a drysuit is recommended.

Entry fee SEK 300 is paid upon registration.
The contestant with the five longest perches wins.

REQUIREMENTS: All participants must be members of Sportfiskarna and be able to show their membership card. If you want to become a member or want to check that your membership is active, email well in advance of the competition, there will be an opportunity to redeem membership on the spot, but the organizer prefers that you do so before.

The competition area is canceled for all participants from October 21, midnight. Applies to both fishing and reconnaissance.

Start and finish take place at Stäkets SF's clubhouse.
The piers at Uddnäsvägen 15
Secretariat before and after the competition at the club house.
There is an open ramp at Uddnäsvägen 1 directly under the Stäket bridge.
Registration and collection of start card and measuring board 07:00-07:30.
Captain's meeting 07:40.
Joint start at a leisurely pace (max 5 knots) 07.50.
Competition time 08:00-14:00.
Prevailing speed limits and sea rules of course apply.
During the competition, respect each other and keep a "cast length distance" to the next boat, i.e. at least 25 meters.
A life jacket or other flotation garment must be worn at all times during the competition.
A drysuit is recommended in the kayak class.
Only fishing with artificial lures is allowed.
Fish on the measuring board must be photographed so that the length of the fish is clearly visible.
The head towards 0 cm, the caudal fin must NOT be pinched lightly for length registration.
Part of cm is rounded down.
Minimum size 25 cm.
Photography and registration of caught fish takes place via the Fishyapp which is downloaded via
All fish must be registered immediately after capture.
Live status will be reported on, last report is shown at 12.00.
Submitted photos received after 2 p.m. are not counted.
The latest time for protest must be in writing to the jury no later than 2:30 p.m.

Deadline for submission of result cards and measuring boards 14.20.
The award ceremony will take place as soon as we get the results in order.
Food and drinks from are included in the entry fee, .

Complete results will be presented on the Sportfiskarna website under the tab
Michael Molander The anglers
Calle Andersson Organizer
Lars Lundberg Competing
COMPETITION AREA: Available at this link:
Mälaren Stockholm, there will be a map that you can photograph.
By registering for the competition, you agree that we handle and store images and
your personal data that will be handled according to the GDPR. Results and pictures may come
to be published. Read more about GDPR at

For more information contact:, Michael Molander 08-410 80 605

Contest information

 TypeMix (Perch+Pike)




 Arrangement / SeriesSportfiskarna Kayak competitions
 SM in Kayak 2022
 SM in Kayak 2023
 Contest periodFinished 2022-10-29 08:00 → 14:00  
 Registration requiredYes    (Unlimited Teams)
 Released 2022-09-26 12:00
 Number of spotsUnlimited (19 Signed up)
 Price(Price information missing) (Lunch included per person)
 Payment possible during the contestNo
 Blackout periodNo
 Fishy Live is usedYes (Download)
 GPS position is savedNo

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