08 PERCH DM Stockholm

Rules (08 ABBORREN DM Stockholm)

Complete Invitation: 

General rules in the branch Perch
All organizers of sanctioned perch fishing competitions shall make every effort to comply
fish welfare. In short, it is about:
• Drive slowly and do not cloud the bottom in sensitive and shallow play environments.
• Adjust the timing of the competition and/or exclude sensitive areas from
the competition area, keep in mind that special rules may apply in and near nature reserves.
• Take the greatest possible consideration of other wildlife such as nesting birds. Do not approach
birds on nest.
• Avoid placing the competition area in an area where another competition has recently been held.
In case of the slightest doubt, the organizer should ask the District Competition Leader, Sportfishermen or the County Administrative Board.
In the event of an emergency, contact with the competition management must always take place as soon as possible.
All competitors must continuously wear a life jacket, overalls, underwear or other flotation garment from the
the boat leaves port until the boat is back in port.
Applicable sea rules and speed rules must always be followed.
General rules:
The organizer/competition leader always has the opportunity to adjust the following for the current competition
general competition rules.
*The organizer sets up a captain's meeting before the competition where at least one person from each team must
attend. There is a review of today's competition area, competition rules, sea rules, conservation zones,
prohibition zones and competition time, etc.
*The anglers recommend that all competitions be run as C&R where all caught are perch
immediately, after capture and documentation, released again in a way that is gentle on the fish. The smallest
minimum size is recommended at 25 cm, but the organizer determines the minimum size that is considered appropriate
for current competition.
**For competitions where swamping is allowed, the sump must have a volume of 50 liters or more. Maximum five
Perches may be in the sump at the same time and it is permitted to change fish in the sump during the competition
walk. In this type of competition, the fish must be weighed. Dead fish or one showing obvious signs
on ill health must not be weighed. In this type of competition, weighing in must be done as quickly and gently as possible
possible after the boat has arrived in port and the fish must be returned with the greatest consideration.
*Results are based on length in cm and documentation takes place with photography against a measuring board. Started
centimeters are rounded down. The measuring board must be placed flat and horizontal and the tail fin may be adjusted
gently with a finger but do not press together as the fish can be damaged, the fish must be placed carefully on
the measuring board and you must not pull the fish in its lengthwise direction. The fish may be held with one or so
two hands are needed while measuring and documenting takes place, one must not hold one hand 

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